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Dr. Justus Bogner

Researcher, Educator, Software Engineer

About Me

Portrait Justus Bogner

Hi! I'm Justus, a researcher in empirical software engineering. I also teach software engineering courses at the university. Before and during my PhD, I was employed for more than 9 years as a software engineer in industry, building mostly web- and service-based enterprise applications.

Currently, I'm an Assistant Professor in Software Engineering at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (the VU). My position is located in Prof. Patricia Lago's S2 group (Software and Sustainability). I received my PhD in Computer Science (Dr. rer. nat.) from the University of Stuttgart, Germany. My advisors were Prof. Alfred Zimmermann and Prof. Stefan Wagner. After that, I was a postdoc at the Institute of Software Engineering at the University of Stuttgart for 3 years. Within Prof. Wagner's Empirical Software Engineering Group, I led the division "Software Engineering for AI- & Microservice-Based Systems" (SE4AI&MS). I regularly review for journals, conferences, and workshops, such as IEEE TSE, EMSE, ACM TOSEM, IEEE Software, ECSA, CAIN, or ESEM. Lastly, I am also a co-organizer of the SAML workshop, which combines software architecture and machine learning.


You can reach or follow me via the following ways:

Email: j.bogner@vu.nl
Mastodon: mastodon.acm.org/@JREB1990
Twitter: JREB1990
LinkedIn: Justus Bogner
GitHub: xJREB
Researchgate: Justus Bogner
Google Scholar: Justus Bogner

If you have questions about my research, want to write your student thesis with me, or have an idea for a study collaboration related to my research interest, feel free to reach out!


To study and improve software engineering, I apply both quantitative and qualitative empirical methods, such as controlled experiments, systematic literature reviews, surveys, interviews, repository mining, or case studies. Based on these results, I then create and evaluate tools or methods to support software professionals. While I conducted studies in other areas, my two main SE knowledge areas are software architecture and software quality, especially evolvability, technical debt, and sustainability. Moreover, I mainly study two types of systems described below. For more details, please refer to my publications.

Microservice-based Systems

Microservices, based on
Martin Fowler's article.

In my PhD thesis, I studied the evolvability assurance of the architectural style microservices, and approached the topic via metrics, scenario-based evaluation, and (anti-)patterns. While I still continue parts of this line of research, I'm also interested in microservices migration, the design of RESTful APIs, and web-based applications in general.

AI-based Systems

AI-based systems
Artificial Intelligence,
photo by Tara Winstead.

After my PhD, I also broadened my scope with an additional research area: software engineering for AI-based systems (SE4AI). Here, I am mostly interested in the architecture and quality attribute trade-offs of systems with AI components, e.g., systems which include one or more machine learning models. Next to, e.g., maintainability or evolvability, one quality attribute I'm particularly interested in is energy efficiency, i.e., I study Green AI from a software engineering perspective.


I have won the following awards:

Distinguished Reviewer Award
At the European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), 2024

Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award (Runner-Up)
At the European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), 2024, for the paper:
"An Analysis of MLOps Architectures: A Systematic Mapping Study"

Distinguished Artifact Award
At the International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), 2024, for the paper:
"How Do Microservice API Patterns Impact Understandability? A Controlled Experiment"

Distinguished Artifact Award
At the International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), 2024, for the paper:
"RESTRuler: Towards Automatically Identifying Violations of RESTful Design Rules in Web APIs"

Distinguished Paper Award
At the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Software Engineering in Society (SEIS) track, 2024, for the paper:
"Beyond Self-Promotion: How Software Engineering Research Is Discussed on LinkedIn"

Best Reviewer Award
At the European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), 2022

infos Dissertation Award
From the Informatik Forum Stuttgart, 2021, for my PhD thesis:
"On the Evolvability Assurance of Microservices: Metrics, Scenarios, and Patterns"

Best Presentation Award
At the International Conference on Technical Debt (TechDebt), 2021, for the paper:
"Characterizing Technical Debt and Antipatterns in AI-Based Systems: A Systematic Mapping Study"

Distinguished Paper Award
At the International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2019, for the paper:
"Assuring the Evolvability of Microservices: Insights into Industry Practices and Challenges"

Best Student Paper Award
At the European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC), 2018, for the paper:
"Towards an Evolvability Assurance Method for Service-Based Systems"

Best Presentation Award
At the Central European Workshop on Services and their Composition (ZEUS), 2018, for the paper:
"Analyzing the Relevance of SOA Patterns for Microservice-Based Systems"

Master Thesis Award
From the Herman Hollerith Center, 2015, for my M.Sc. thesis:
"Identifying Relevant Software Architecture Patterns for IT Service Monitoring and Reporting Solutions"